The Weedon Weekender is a community fund raising event held every August bank holiday weekend in the Northamptonshire village of Weedon and Duplex’s central area Business Development Manager, Neil Anthony plays a key role in its organisation. They have just completed another successful show with over 20 bands playing on two stages – funfair, bars, food, stalls and of course their famous dog show – all to raise funds for local community groups in the village. The event is now in its 8th year since it started in 2012 and goes from strength to strength.
This year their friends at Doghampton – dog training experts helped judge the show and crowned Hector, a Cesky Fousek (a Czech gundog breed) as overall winner. He is shown here with the other finalists and many thanks go to Suzanne and the team from Doghampton for helping to make it such a success.