Duplex advocate, Tracey Kirkland who is Head Housekeeper of a large care home in Surrey commented recently: – I work in a large care home where in recent years we introduced the Duplex machine to our range of cleaning appliances. We found the Duplex machine to be very user friendly and light enough to be suitable for all users. The cleaning power of the machine is incredible.
The Duplex is not only easy to manoeuvre around but very quiet compared to the other cleaning machines I use. Also, there are no nasty chemicals used – it works by steaming – which is environmentally friendly, a very important factor with our residents in mind.
You have only to watch the machine work to see how powerful it is on hard floor surfaces, it is amazing and I have used many machines but none clean and sanitize like the Duplex. The surface of the cleaned area is dry almost immediately which reduces the risk of slips and falls immensely. Not only does the Duplex clean hard floors, it also cleans carpets of urine, faeces and other spillages common in a care home but again leaves the carpet with very little drying time required which is an asset in this environment.
It is easy to set the machine up, light and easy to use with excellent results and again easy to clean afterwards.
On first receiving the Duplex machine we were given a full installation and training session by a Duplex representative – all was explained clearly and we all were able to try the machine and ask all our questions which were answered in clear simple terminology!
If you are thinking of purchasing a new machine for cleaning carpets and hard floors why not just book a demonstration before making a decision – you will be as pleasantly surprised as we were.